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Become a sponsor
Your help is what keeps us running, as a (501)(c)(3) non-profit organization we rely on supporters like you to keep the history alive.
Become a Supporter
- Helping Community
- FUN!
By becoming a sponsor, you help to fund the continued preservation and operation of the railroad’s historic railroad equipment. In addition, supporters are the backbone of our railroad, providing the funds that go into maintaining and keeping up the collection and grounds as well as our many amazing events.

Keep up with ‘What’s Happening’ and sign up for our newsletter below:
Sponsor Levels
Locomotive Level
- 2 complimentary tickets
- Subscription to our E-Newsletter
- Thank you on Facebook
Brakeman Level
- 5 complimentary tickets
- Subscription to our E-Newsletter
- Thank you on Facebook
Fireman Level
- 10 complimentary tickets
- Subscription to our E-Newsletter
- Thank you on Facebook with Logo
- 2 Free Advertising Opportunities in Newsletter*
Engineer Level
- 20 complimentary tickets
- Subscription to our E-Newsletter
- Thank you on Facebook & Website with Logo
- 5 Free Advertising Opportunities in Newsletter*
- Add a private car to a regular Run
Conductor Level
- unlimited complimentary tickets *
- Subscription to our E-Newsletter
- Thank you on Facebook & Website with Logo
- Free Unlimited Advertising in Newsletter*
- Free Private Excursion for Corporate Events
*Restrictions apply- see form for details
Thank You to our Sponsors
Our sponsors allow us to continue to provide quality service to Lewis County.

Larry Shaw Foundation
Sterling Breen Crushing
Special thanks for monetary donations from the following Individuals:
Joanne Schwartz, Bob Spahr, George Bates, Jack Eppert, Richard Tausch, Mary Kay Nelson.
Many, many other individuals have contributed their time and talents to the railroad. We are most appreciative and grateful to all of them.
Sponsor FAQ
How many hours are required?
There is no volunteer time requirement for sponsors
What is the annual fee?
Depending on the sponsor level you have chosen, we will contact you annually to renew your commitment.
Is there an minimum age?
You must be 18 years+ to become a financial contributor.
What are the sponsorship options?
you can join us at any amount you wish, our examples of packages are:
Locomotive- $100-$300
How long are sponsorship terms?
Sponsorships renew annually. We will contact you every year to renew your commitment.
How can I help?
There are a number of ways you can help besides becoming a sponsor. We can always use volunteers!:
- Railroad car and restoration
- Visitor Experience
- Events
- Marketing
- Revenue
- Finance
- Strategic planning
- Maintenance
- Historical preservation
Anyone can help, there are many positions that require no more skill than helping move items around, and these are some of the most important positions to us.
Keep the history ALIVE
It takes a team of staff and volunteers to restore and operate our classic steam engine and cars. We can’t grow without your help! Your contribution will help us go “full speed ahead” into growing the amazing historic experiences for our guest and community.
A sponsor Is not a voting member. As a sponsor there is no obligation to attend meetings, assist at events, work parties, or provides individual service. Sponsors will receive newsletters, membership meeting notifications and minutes.